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- ------------------------Joker Developments Present,------------------------
- -------------------------A Gareth Griffiths Game..-------------------------
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- ---------------A L I E N P O N G T R I L O G Y v2-----------------
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- ----------------------------INSTRUCTION MANUAL!----------------------------
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- 1 : Authors Note.
- -------------------
- This is a clone of the early seventies arcade game Pong, which was created
- by a Nolan Bushnell. I have spruced it up a bit, improving the graphics and
- adding features such as Custom Backgrounds and Training Modes, but the
- basic idea still remains the property of Nolan Bushnell. He(or she) could
- have passed away, I don't know, the point is that the Pong concept remains
- the concept of Nolan Bushnell. The concept for the Alien Pong series,
- however, belongs to me (that is the concept of Earth challenging Sol to
- matches of Alien Pong). I would never have been able to bring Pong up to
- date without the help of the Amiga Format team, who published listings in
- issues 42 and 43, the AF Solo Pong (Issue 42) and AF Pong II (Issue 43)
- listings.
- I hope you enjoy playing Alien Pong Trilogy. Thanks for downloading it!
- It really boosts my morale when making other games!
- Gareth Griffiths
- =============================================================================
- 1.3 : System Requirements.
- --------------------------
- To play Alien Pong Trilogy, you need at least 1Mb of RAM in your computer.
- I programmed the game on the following set-up:
- Not really that much is it, but it does the job superbly for me.
- =============================================================================
- 2.1 : The Main Menu
- -------------------
- The Alien Pong Trilogy menu consists of six options. this section describes
- them in brief and also describes the Options screen options.
- Press the number adjacent to the option name to select it.
- 1 : 1 Player Mode
- This is just a one player version of Pong, see section 2.3 for
- more details.
- 2 : 2 Player Mode
- This is the basic Pong version, it's the Alien Pong I,II & 3 code!
- See Section 2.4 for details.
- 3 : Training Mode
- Now this is the most interesting option, see 2.5 for details.
- 5 : Options
- This brings up the Options menu
- See Section 2.6
- =============================================================================
- 2.2 : 1 Player Mode.
- --------------------
- To play the one-player version, you need one controller, selected by the
- control options screen. You control both bats, and must prevent the ball
- from leaving the playing area. You have 5 lives, and everytime the ball
- leaves the area, a life is lost. When all 5 lives are lost, the game
- quadruples your score and checks for a possible Hiscore. You get between 1
- and 5 points everytime your bat makes contact with the ball.
- Press FIRE or LEFT MOUSE BUTTON on your controller to exit.
- =============================================================================
- 2.3 : 2 Player Mode.
- --------------------
- If you have ever played any of the other Alien Pong games, then you will
- be used to this straight away, and will not need this section. However, if
- you are new to the Alien Pong games, then this is what the two player mode
- is about:
- The court appears on a background, a custom background if you have selected
- one, or a picture of the Moon or the Earth.
- The bats then appear, and the red and yellow ball soon follows. The ball is
- served from the centre line in a random direction. The player on the
- corresponding side must move the bat to intercept the ball before it
- reaches the extremities of the playing area.
- If the player fails to do this, he concedes a point. The first player that
- reaches the number of points specified in the Options menu wins. That's all
- there is to it, and don't forget, pressing FIRE during a game quits to the
- Main Menu.
- =============================================================================
- 2.4 : Training Mode
- -------------------
- The training mode is different to the other modes in that there is only one
- bat visible on screen, this is the left bat, but the effects of training
- work for both bats. A special Training background loads and the court
- appears with one major difference, a wall is present in the area normally
- occupied by the right forces. The ball appears again, being served in a
- random direction. If it comes your way, intercept it and hit it at the
- wall. When it hits the wall, it will bounce back at you and you must
- intercept it again. If you fail to stop it, it goes out of play, and the
- ball is transported back to the centre where it is served. Keep doing this
- until you have had enough, and press FIRE when finished to return to the
- menu.
- =============================================================================
- 2.5 : Creating Custom Backgrounds.
- ----------------------------------
- I bet you're itching to get started on your own backgrounds. but first,
- you must have the right software.
- A paint package such as Electronic Arts' excellent Deluxe Paint 3,4, or 5
- will do, but if you haven't got that, use another one.
- Select a Low Resolution screen, with 32 colours. When you have done that,
- load the file called 'PALETTE' into the program. The 'PALETTE' picture is
- contained on the Pong Trilogy Data Disk in DISK2:BKGDS/
- The colours that are a solid white, 1-26 should be white, can be anything
- that you want, the other colours must be left the same as they are,
- otherwise the game screen will look corrupted.
- Draw your background, and remember, you can use colours 27-31 if you wish,
- but don't change them. If you want to put a comment on the picture, leave
- a black gap 8 pixels from the bottom and then type your text into there.
- It will be covered up by the court during play.
- When you finish your design, load in the file DISK2:BKGDS/Overlay.brush as
- a brush, and bring up the fill options. I only know how to do this in
- DPaint, so change this part to suit your paint package.
- Select FROM BRUSH and a black and white chequerboard should appear in the
- pattern fill box. Select OK and choose FILLED RECTANGLE tool. Move the
- mouse pointer to pixel 0,0 and drag a rectangle down to 320,255. Let go of
- the mouse button and your design should darken.
- Save it out as an IFF file on any disk, and then load up the Converter
- program on Disk 1. At the first file requester, select your new IFF file.
- It will load and your file will be displayed. After a few seconds, a new
- file requester will appear, this one saves your file as a .BKD file,
- suitable for Alien Pong Trilogy to understand.
- To access your new file, simply choose CUSTOM BACKGROUND from the options
- screen and select your .BKD file. The file will load and display when you
- start the game.
- =============================================================================
- 2.6 : The Options Screen.
- -------------------------
- There are two sections to this, CONTROLLER OPTIONS and GAME OPTIONS.
- 1 : Change Player 1 Controller
- This changes the left bat's controller between these three..
- Apologies for not including a MOUSE IN PORT 2 option, but I don't know
- how to code the thing!.
- 2 : Change Player 2 Controller
- This changes the right bat's controller between the three listed above.
- NOTE : You cannot have the same controller for both players. e.g/
- P1:Joystick (2) P2:Joystick (1) O.K.
- P1:Joystick (1) P2:Mouse O.K.
- P1:Joystick (1) P2:Joystick (1) X
- P1:Joystick (2) P2:Joystick (2) X
- The computer will not let you have two of the same controllers!
- 3 : Bat Speed (SLOW/MEDIUM/FAST default=MEDIUM)
- Controls the speed of the bats when controlled by Joystick.
- 4 : Game Length (10/15/20 default=10)
- Controls the length of the two-player game in points.
- 5 : Walls (ON/OFF default=ON)
- Switches WALLS on and off. Walls move up and down across the court
- if the ball makes contact with one it will deflect from it. Balls
- can get stuck in walls, but they eventually break free, so watch out!
- 6 : Power-Ups (ON/OFF default=ON)
- Switches POWER-UPS on and off. Available power-ups are:
- x2 Doubles your score.
- ÷2 Halves your score.
- x2 Doubles your score.
- ÷2 Halves your score.
- F Freezes the player who didn't hit the ball last e.g/
- If Player 1 hit the ball into an F, then P2 would be frozen
- Alters the sound you hear during the game.
- 8 : Custom Background
- Brings up a file requester allowing you to select a .BKD file.
- 9 : Exit to Workbench
- Prompts you to press Y or N, Y being for YES, and N for NO. If Y is
- pressed then you are taken back to Workbench, otherwise you go back to
- the options menu.
- 0 : Return to main menu
- Takes you back to the game selection menu.
- =============================================================================
- 3.1 : Acknowledgements.
- -----------------------
- Gareth Griffiths would like to thank..
- The team at Amiga Format, for publishing the listings in Issues 42 & 43,
- Nolan Bushnell, for inventing the Pong genre.
- Amiga International, for the machine.
- Gareth Griffiths's father, for buying him the A1200.
- Gareth's Mum, for making him the coffee and washing up.
- Gareth's brother Bobby, who gave him some ideas for the one player coding.
- His brother Michael, for providing the inspiration.
- Whoever created the music, for creating it.
- Gareth Griffiths would like to say hello to..
- Mum, Dad, Bobby, Michael, David, Simon, Andrew, Paul, anyone who is reading
- this.
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